Thursday, February 13, 2014

Keys to Living in the Kingdom of God "Tithing"

Calvary Christian Center G-12 Administration – Life Notes Pastor: Chris Antee 02/09/2014 “Keys to Living in the Kingdom of God” “Tithing” II Corinthians 6:14-18 Malachi 3:8-10 Proverbs 3:9-16 • You need to become a millionaire because of the vision that God has given Pastor Goudeaux • You need to catch the thief – In order to catch the thief, you must not be a thief • A thief is not going to catch his or her self • God has called you from out among the world system • By being faithful in the “little” and giving your best – You can become a millionaire • When you hear from God – You must do what he tells you to do • A thief will not be made a millionaire • Many are robbing God and don’t know they are – You are not only robbing God with the tithes, you are robbing Him with the offerings also • When you get in the “Will of God” , get the revelation, and become a believer – You will tithe • The reason you don’t tithe is because you don’t understand the power of tithing or you don’t believe • The results of believing in tithing is the actions you take with your faith • You tithe by faith – Faith is the action you take based on what you believe • God does not only want your money – He wants you to bring your tithes and be a part of the vision of the house • When God opens the windows of heaven - He gives you wisdom • Wisdom is more better than precious gold or silver • So when you are tithing - Just remember what is about to happen in your life • God will give you access to the wisdom that pertains to your life – That wisdom will get you out of poverty and into wealth

1 comment:

  1. . . . Tithes and/or Tithing “LAW” is a very ReaL… "CURSE"... (Malachi 3:7-8-9, Galatians 3:10, 1CoRi.16:22, GaL. 1:6-7-8-9)

    . . . Thanks Be To GOD for OPeNiNG the… “EyEs of YouR UnDeRSTaNDinG”… Being “ENLighTeNeD”… (EpHeSi. 1:18, MT.6:22-23, 2CoRi.4:6)

    *** To aLL BiBLe “LoVinG” CHRiSTiaNs, Let’s PRaY and “REASON” ToGeTHeR… (Isa.1:18, Isa.11:3-4, Isa.43:26, JOB 32:12, 1PeTeR 3:15, 2TiMoTHy 3:16-17, 2TiM. 2:15, 2ChRoNiCLeS 7:14, PHiLiPPiaNeS 1:7, 17, 4:4-6-7-13-19)…

    … (1). is the TRUTH about the “CURSED-TiThe-LaW” (MaLaChi 3:7-8-9) … “TiThing” WiLL Be abLe to SET us FREE ?!? (John 8:31-32-36, GaL. 5:1, EPHeSi. 5:11, RoMa. 8:1-2)

    … (2). is “TiThe”… or GRoSS InCoMe “TiThing” (Luke 18:12)… A Direct “STEALING” from GOD ?!?… (MaLachi 3:7-8-9-10, GaL. 3:10) …
    . . . or MeN “STEALING” from PeoPLe by “FRAUD and MaNiPuLaTioN?!? (1Thess. 4:6, 2CoR. 7:2, MarK 10:19, HaBaKKuK 2:9, Ezek. 34:1-2-22, Isa. 56:11)

    ***(3). is “TiThe-LaW”…”TiThing” ABOLISHED, CanCeLLeD, AnnuLLeD, ChangeD, SeT-AsiDe, EnDeD, ObsoLeTe ?!?... (Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18, 7:22, HeB. 8:13, RoMa. 10:4)

    . . . if you will only TRY to understand (Eph.1:18, 4:18) that Tithes/Tithing is ONE of the BiGGest ISSUES. . . that . . . The GREAT Lord GOD (John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST has FulFiLLed at the CROSS of CaLvary. . . aLL the requirements of the “LAW” and has therefore taken the “CURSE” of NOT fulfilling it from us! (Matthew 5:17, Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18-22)

    . . . Christ REDEEMED us from the “CURSE” of the “LAW” by becoming a “CURSE” for us, for it is written: "CURSED is everyone who is hung on a tree." (Galatians 3:13 NIV).

    . . . NAILING it ALL at the CROSS of CALVARY (MaLachi 3:7-10, GaL. 3:10-13, RoMa. 7:4, Ephesi. 2:13-18, Colossi. 2:13-17, Heb. 8:8-13, Galatians 3:13, 4:5-21-26, 2CoR. 3:6-10, Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Luke 22:20, John 19:30, Luke 18:31, 22:37, Heb. 7:5,12,18,22, Heb. 8:6, 1Peter 1:19)

    * * * "TiThing" is an ACCURSED Thing. . .(MaLachi 3:7-10, James 2:10, GaL. 3:10-13, 5:4, 1:6-9, 1CoR.16:22, Luke 11:42, IsaiaH.1:13-23, 2Peter 2:3, DeUTER.27:26, DT. 28:19) . . .

    . . . But PURE, GeNeRouS and CHeeRFuL "GiViNG" is Sufficiency of GRACE. . . (2 CoR. 9:5-6-7-8-15, Matthew 5.8, 2CoR. 8:5-7, LUKE 6:38, John 8:31-32, RoMa. 8:01-02, PhiLiPPiaNeS 04:13, 04:19, AcTs 20:35)

    *** it is a Very, very Serious “SiN” to GOD and Mankind for EveryOne who MANIPULATES a PerSon Or PeRson(s) to GiVe "TiThes" and/or “TiThing” (whether Directly or indirectly).

    . . . It is conscientiously a form of WITCHCRAFT (1SamueL 15:23) and could also be a “CRIMINAL” and "iLLeGaL" act OFFENSE (i.e “DECEPTION & FRAUD” a CiviL CourT “iLLeGaL” OFFENSE, 1Thessa. 4:6, MARK 10:19, HaBaKKuK 2:9, Luke 12:15, RoMa. 13:1-7-10, RoMa. 1:18-32, GaLatians 5:19-20, Matthew 18:6, MARK 9:42, 2CoR. 2:17, 1Peter 4:15, 2Peter 2:1-3, ReveLation 21:8).

    . . . Therefore, NO ReaL Christians should eVeR be INVOLVED and/or an aCCeSSoRy to these “EviL-Tithes-Tithing-Practices” and “LawLessNess” (Matthew 7:21-23, RoMa. 6:19, 1John 3:4) … (RoMa. 1:18-31, RoMa. 1:32, 1Peter 3:17, 1 Peter 4:15, 2John 1:8-9-10, Luke 18:12-13-14).

    . . . Otherwise, RePenT !!! … Be MaTuRe, OBeY and make aMENDs… (1John 1:9, AcTs 3:19, 2PeTer 3:9, 1SAM 15:22, John 14:15, John 15:14, Proverbs 28:13, Luke 13:3, 13:5, RoMa. 12:1-2, John 5:14, Luke 19:8-9-10, HeBReWs 5:13-14).

    . . . and also please REMEMBER... GOD wants you to be a "100% percent" "GeNeRouS" and "CHeeRFUL" GiVeR... (2Corinthians 9:6-7-8, Acts 20:35, Luke 21:1-2-3-4, Luke 6:38, Matthew 13:23, MARK 4:20) . and NOT the "Cursed Tithe" (Malachi 3:9 vs.Galatians 3:10-13, GaL. 1:6-9)...

    . . . THaNKs and GLoRy Be To GOD !!! (1Cor.10:31, 15:57, 2Cor.9:15)...
